1 December 2022

Winter driving - safe practices and tips for lorry drivers

By Wright Insurance Brokers

The weather can be unpredictable and can create extremely hazardous conditions, like snow and ice on the road. These extreme conditions make driving dangerous, particularly when operating a truck or lorry and require special safety precautions. Your safety is important as well, so if you are a truck or lorry driver observe the following safety practices and tips when driving.

Winter driving basics

  • Drive nice, easy and slow particularly during snowy days and always remain calm
  • Increase following distance: reduce your speed and leave more space between you and the vehicle ahead
  • Make smooth and steady gear changes
  • Extra caution is advised on slip roads, bridges and flyovers
  • Avoid cruise control
  • Be mindful of potential crosswinds, particularly on bridges

Keep check of your lorry or truck

  • Make sure your truck or lorry is prepared for the weather. Check the:
    • Battery
    • Fifth-wheel lubrication
    • Radiator
    • Heater
    • Demister
    • Wiper blades
    • Tyres
  • Keep your mirrors clean and ensure the heated elements are working correctly
  • Check all your lights are working, a simple bulb change could save a life

Prepare essential supplies

  • Chains/cables
    • Consider carrying a list of requirements for chains/cables: strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions on installation and operation
    • Know how to put your chains/cables on before setting out in winter conditions!
  • Additives for fuel to prevent gelling
    • Keep the tank as full as possible
    • Avoid turning off the vehicle for an extended time

Pack a winter driving kit

  • Put together an emergency kit for your truck or lorry containing:
    • Torch and batteries
    • Blankets
    • Extra clothing (warm layers, gloves, shoes, socks and rain gear)
    • Water and non-perishables
    • First aid kit
    • Bag of sand or salt
    • Extra washer fluid
    • Windscreen scraper and brush
    • Jump leads
    • Tyre chains and traction mats
    • Mobile phone and charger
    • Lighter/matches and candles
    • Shovel

Better safe than sorry – no load is worth your life!

Know the road conditions before you set out

  • When driving a heavy vehicle, such as a lorry or truck you should:
    • Have a reliable source for weather reports and monitor warnings to plan ahead
    • Know how to determine by sight if the road is covered in ice by observing:
      • Other vehicles actions
      • Lack of tyre spray
      • Ice build-up on other vehicles
      • Rapidly bouncing aerials

Know how to react when driving becomes difficult

  • Frozen brakes
    • Warm up your lorry or truck and break ice loose by reversing
  • Skidding
    • Use the steering wheel only to get back in front of the trailer and keep steering / counter-steering until you regain control
    • Do not use brakes or accelerator unless necessary
  • Jack-knifing (Jack-knifing occurs when the trailer is travelling faster than the drawing vehicle)
    • Try to correct it as soon as you realise what is happening
    • Look at the left mirror only and steer to re-align the tractor and trailer
    • Never use the brakes
    • If you are experiencing a trailer jack-knife, use the accelerator gently to pull the trailer back

Last-minute quick tips

  • As a truck or lorry driver route planning is crucial
  • Beware of slow-moving snow removal equipment
  • Aim for traction on at least one side of your truck or lorry (the shoulder often has the most traction)
  • Heavy load = more traction
  • An empty trailer = very little traction, so be careful!
  • Use the inter-axle differential when needed for extra traction
  • Don’t leave your truck or lorry if you get stuck in a blizzard – stay in the cab and wait it out
  • If you are a new driver, talk to a seasoned driver for reassurance or more tips

For additional industry-specific guidance or haulage solutions, please call 0818 000 080 or make an enquiry here.